Thrift Store Find and American Girl Working light Doll Lamp Tutorial

So today I set out to my favorite local thrift store to find items to upcycle into clothing for dolls and hoping to find something that looked like a doll lamp. I found quite a few promising things for upcycled doll clothes but wasn’t finding a ‘lamp’. Then I rounded the corner to the half off section (yes even Thrift Stores have clearance! Ha!) and saw this!! 

I actually did a happy dance! It has a real clock that plugs in even!! It was a bit dusty but otherwise perfect!! It was only $3.50!! Score of the week!!

Happily, in same half off section I found components to make a lamp. They had like six of these little lamp shades on sale for $1.99 (yes local readers all but one is still at HandMeUps!) but I was stumped on a lamp part. Then I saw the vintage candle holder and it was perfect! 

Except… How to keep the lamp shade on the candle holder? Old fashioned art clay worked perfect! Just take a bit ball of it, stuff in hole and push the little feet of the lampshade into it. Presto! Instant 18″ doll lamp! 

Even cooler? Remember those little lights I used to make the fireplace glow? Well the package contained two of the orange color and one clear… 

The clear one makes a great ‘lightbulb’ for the lamp!! 

So it totally works even!!

Not a bad day for thrifting! Go out to your local thrift store with an open mind and you never know what you might find!

Thanks for visiting! See you next time I hope!

3 thoughts on “Thrift Store Find and American Girl Working light Doll Lamp Tutorial

  1. Thanks! The little photo frames are actually frames I've kind of collected for my whole adult life just because miniature stuff always made me smile. So I add them my doll scenes because my doll house is really just my own imagined house… If that makes sense. The photo by the lamp is me holding my daughter and the ones on shelf are me, my baby son and my parents in law. It's fun having cameos of us in the doll house. 🙂


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