Table for American Girl 18" Dolls Upcycled from Wall Plaque and Large Candle Holder!

Greetings and Salutations!!
We decided the Doll Posse were missing one important piece of furniture. How are dolls supposed to conduct any sort of party without a decent table? Where are they supposed to do their homework? Eat their dinner? You see our dilemma. So I set about thinking up how I could come up with a cheap table… Hmmm… I mean we’re essentially talking about a piece of wood and something to hold it up so they could eat at it. Wood…?
Aha! In my garage I had this round plaque I have held onto for years because I just think it’s cute but have never really hung up because it’s a bit on the hippie side. However that very thing made it perfect for my tabletop! It even looks like an inlaid wooden tabletop!!
So now I needed some sort of base to hold it up. I happened to be at the store when I saw these wooden candle holders!! They are meant for the really large candles. Perfect!! Even more perfect was that the store I happened to be in was going out of business and they were 70% off!! Which is really the only reason I happened to be in that store. Teehee. 
So now how to attach it? I wanted it to be detachable so it could be taken apart easily for storage. Velcro comes to the rescue! 

However the top of the candleholder was a bit shallow and the Velcro wouldn’t stick to the tabletop when I put it on there… Hmmmm… 

Fun foam!! A couple layers of that glued into the recessed part of candle holder will make it even and able to attach to table tops Velcro!
Forgot to take photo of last step of putting Velcro on glue and letting it dry, but you get idea! 
Perfect! Only now we need food and dishes… 
The saga of the Doll Posse continues!
Thanks for stopping by my little corner of Internetland! See you next time! Have a fantastic day!!


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