American Girl 18" Doll Thrift Store Scores!

Have to come and show off my latest Thrift Store Scores!

A little wagon for $3!
 A little cabinet I am not sure if I’ll use as a kitchen cabinet or a closet but it was too cute not to pick up for $5!
Then it saw this cute hat box! It was cute enough just as the hat box but low and behold…

It had these adorable dishes inside!! Brand new!! It was marked $3 but was half off! Score!
I also found this cute vintage Avon perfume bottle shaped like a little pitcher in clearance section for $1!

I’ve been looking for a jewelry box shaped like a dresser to go in the ‘bedroom’ part of the dolls house. I found this one on half off but it was a bit short. It was only $2 and so I decided to put it in my cart and consider how I might use it. 

Then I saw this wood photo frame.
It was also $2 and looked, to me, a lot like a bathroom cabinet, if I replaced the photo with a mirror. So in the cart it went.  After I got them both home, I, quite by accident, set the frame on top of the jewelry box. Hey….!
I wood glued the lid of the jewelry box shut and wood glued the frame on top of it. Figured I only had $4 invested, if it didn’t work out, not much lost.

I like how it came out though! I’d like to either paint it or stain it so the wood will match better but not bad for a $4 dresser! 

Well that’s it for now! Thanks for dropping by! See you next time I hope!

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