American Girl 18" Doll Hangers DIY How To

Greetings and Salutations!

I’ve been pondering doll hangers lately… We are accumulating a lot of doll clothes and I thought it’d be nice to hang some up. So… Hangers…? I looked on Pinterest and found a great idea of making them out of Popsicle sticks. Great! I have a huge box! Then when is looked at my box, they were the smaller kind and would not work. Being me, I put my mind to other projects and figured I’d get the sticks at some point and try it then. Fast forward to me hanging out on Pinterest looking at American Girl Doll ideas and I came across one that made a doll hanger out of plastic canvas! Have I mentioned I have been crafting a while and never throw out craft stuff? It’s all in Rubbermaid bins (as an aside I love Rubbermaid bins!) just waiting to be crafted with. One of my many former crafts was plastic canvas and so I had everything I needed for that idea! 
However, the idea with plastic canvas had the whole hanger being made out of the plastic canvas. Three thicknesses of it  to make it sturdy but I’ve had many plastic canvas items not be really sturdy when you make smaller areas like the hook on the hanger I saw. So… I used both the Popsicle stick and hook idea combined with the plastic canvas idea!! Worked like a charm. Here is the result!

It’s pretty strait forward and if you’ve ever worked with plastic canvas, very easy to make. When I got to the middle, I simply inserted the cup hook there and sort of ‘sew’ it in there. The threads of the cup hook will be good at holding it in if you stitch tightly around it.
I made a template to make it easier to cut out future hangers. The measurements are 7 by 45. I count the bars and not the holes so I guess if you count holes it would be 6 by 44. Cut three and stitch them together at edges. I will probably fill in future hangers in middle with pretty patterns but for now they are simple and functional. Here are a couple photos of items on hanger. 

Update 2/2/14
I finished off a hanger by stitching in middle and adding ribbon. Makes it look more like a padded hanger! 

One thought on “American Girl 18" Doll Hangers DIY How To

  1. Wow – okay last post I get to look at today Heather – very fun! It does look like a padded hanger when completed with the satin ribbon on it especially – very nice! How are these holding up now – still good? Great idea – thanks for sharing ^_^


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