Vintage Toy Pots Pans and Utensil Set for 18" Dolls!

Hello again Doll Friends!

My last posting was about the awesome vintage kitchen I was blessed to get from my Mom. Well, in a providential turn of events (because what else could it be?) I found the perfect accessory toys to go with the kitchen not too long after I took the photos for the post about the kitchen. I went to one of my favorite thrift stores and looked around pretty well and didn’t find much that day other than a ‘boy’ doll for 99c. (He will get his own blog post later!) So as I am paying, the girl behind the counter, started talking to me about the doll I was buying, who was I buying it for and what not. Well, she asked, so I started telling her about my blog and how I love dolls and take photos of them etc. Well, sometimes you just have to talk to the right people! Because she reaches behind her on a low shelf in the display case items (the stuff they keep behind so it doesn’t get messed up or stolen) and pulls out a huge box of toy kitchen pots and pans and accessories. I almost passed out. I looked at price and my first instinct was “too rich for my blood” cos I don’t normally spend a ton on my dolly hobby. The whole point of my dolly hobby is to teach myself and then maybe you how to make neat stuff on the cheap… So when I saw the $24.99 price tag I sighed and said I would probably have to pass on whole box but could I buy the silverware. (Cos I really wanted them!!) When she says “I’ll let you have the box for $19.99.” And I said “Sold!” Because I am not a fool and I know an amazing steal when I see it. I mean, the $24.99 was a steal too but… I was so blown away when I got the box home and started to dig out all the goodies!! The following are photos of what I got. 

Look at the cool gadgets!! The meat grinder handle actually works and so do the egg beaters!!

My favorite part! I love love love them!! So cute!!
The percolator actually has ‘guts’ in it. So sweet!
I love the bread box too!! And the matching cookie tin and Flour Sugar Coffee containers and the colander and and and… Oh I love it all.
Look! The bread box even opens!! It has a little shelf!!
Close up of the pans. Love the cookie sheets and the shaped pan with the bird on it and the muffin tins and the frying pans and and and… See? Can’t choose a favorite!
All packed away in my little doll hutch.
Here are some photos of the dishes incorporated into the kitchen in a more realistic looking room.

Since I mentioned the new doll…

 I have to show you a photo of the boy doll I found. He was only 99c!! I’ve wanted a ‘brother’ doll and was so excited! More on him later!

Thanks for stopping by! See you next time! Same bat time, same bat channel!

3 thoughts on “Vintage Toy Pots Pans and Utensil Set for 18" Dolls!

  1. Perfect steal,,, wow. Lots of cute stuffs. YOU are lucky to live in a big country, USA. We don't have as various items as you do. My dream is to live in San Diego someday.


  2. Frann! Another comment I am just seeing! I would love you to move to San Diego cos then maybe I'd be able to meet you someday. 😀 Meanwhile, thank goodness for Internet!XXOOHeather


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