Babysitter Club Dolls

Hello Doll Friends!

I am seemingly on a roll lately with the vintage dolls and toys. I don’t know if would exactly call the dolls I am about to show you vintage because they’ve come out since I was an adult… But some of you younger adults who played with these as children might think of them that way. Babysitter Club Dolls came out in the early 1990s and there were seven of them in the collection. If I recall correctly, they were about $40 each back then. I was a merchandiser for the toy department at Kmart in Hawaii at the time and I loved the dolls then, so I remember right I am pretty sure. I didn’t get them back then… I didn’t have kids and couldn’t justify the cost of buying them just because I found them pretty.
Fast forward to about a year ago when I was telling my daughter about them because she had just read one or two of the books. I went to show them to her on Ebay and low and behold, I looked at exactly the right time because I found the entire set, all seven dolls, for $40 on a BuyItNow. I didn’t even think, I just hit Buy. That is what one cost when they were new like 20years before! The whole set had never been played with, only displayed. They’d never been removed from their original clothes! Such an amazing find! So they arrived, my daughter and I oohed and awed and then we packed them up awaiting a spare moment to brush out their hair and photo them properly and introduce them to you! 
So, Doll Friends, it is my pleasure to introduce, the Baby Sitter Club Dolls!
And one by one, I will introduce them in alphabetical order… 

Please meet Claudia!
Mary Anne
And Stacey! 
So that is all the whole set! Tune in next time for an introduction between Babysitter Club Dolls and American Girl, TollyTots and Hearts for Hearts dolls at an amazing game party!! 

Thanks for stopping by! See you next time I hope!

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