American Girl Doll Chairs Upcycled From Cottage Cheese Containers!

Hello Doll Friends!!

If you’re reading this blog, I am betting you’re familiar with My Froggy Stuff on YouTube! She is amazing! She makes everything look so easy and fun even when she is constructing a 50pc cardboard furniture with glue and an exacto knife! Most of her stuff I find a bit too intimidating because I am not a ‘messy’ craft kind of a girl. However, when I saw this tutorial on YouTube, I knew I had to try and make some of these chairs for our 18″ Dolls! 
I made ours out of plastic industrial sized containers of cottage cheese. I happened to work at a school when I made my first set and so I had access to them all the time… However, if you don’t, you might call your kids school or any commercial kitchen really, and ask if they will save some. Or perhaps you can find a similar container at the dollar store… It’s all about use what you can find afterall! So here is how my chairs turned out:

 I love the fabric on them and wish I had chairs just like them in my real house! I am planning to make another set for my daughters best friends birthday soon and I will take step by step photos but nothing I post will beat the source for the idea! I love My Froggy Stuff!! She is a Doll World Hero! She needs, like, a cape. Eh? As you can see from the photo below, my daughter decided that the chairs work great for Fashion dolls too!
That’s it for now! See you next time! 

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