HeartsForHearts Dress Upcycled from Baby Sized Tube Top!

Hello Doll Friends! 

I’ve been posting about how to make Upcycled doll clothes for Amercian Girl (and other 18″) Doll clothes. However, I’ve been wanting to make some more clothes for the HeartsForHearts dolls in our collection because their wardrobe is rather sparse. So I looked through my big bag of clothes I purchased for Upcycling and found this tube top.
As you can see, it’s a Children’s Place 18mnth sized tube top in really great shape. I got it for like 50c at a thrift store. I picked it because it’s a cute pattern on cloth and I get a kick out of my dolls wearing fashion forward items from Children’s Place and such. (They even have some Polo Ralph Lauren!) So having decided my source item, I set to work.
All I really did was to wrap the doll in the top to see how much I need to make a ‘tube dress’ for her, pin it an sew a zig-zag seam down it, since it was for a small and thin doll, I was able to make two from the original item. I forgot, in my sewing enthusiasm, to take photos, but I literally just make two smaller, thinner tubes out of the tube top after measuring the appropriate width on the dolls. I cut the straps off the original item and ended up with four short straps. I sewed two of each of them together to make two long straps. Then I attached them to the top by a loop that was actually left as the lower portion of the strap when I cut it off. Naturally your tube top might not have straps or the loops but you can use ribbon to make straps too and just stitch it on in the right spot in the middle of top so you can have tie straps like the ones on this one. I’ve shown some examples below of my using ribbon on two dresses. 
So here they are:

I love them! I love that I could make two from it too, so my two HeartsForHearts girls have twin dresses! 
Perfect for Violets violin solo!
I’ve made other fashions that fit the HeartsForHearts dolls too using much the same methods as I use for the 18″ dolls. On these I used ribbon for the tie straps and added imbelishment to cover my stitches. 
Like this yellow dress. It’s a bit long but it was just a tube top type item too, originally and I let it long because it also fits our Disney Princess and Me dolls and was originally made for them.
The orange dress on Violet in this photo is another one I’ve made using ribbon as straps.

So that’s it for now! Thanks for dropping by! See you next time!!

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