Life Group at the Doll House!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!
In the ‘real world’ I am lucky enough to be a member of an amazing church who has become my family. It’s called Flatland Church and I will be carried out of there feet first someday I suspect. Our church family has a lot of fun together learning about and growing in our faith in Jesus. One way we do this is in Life Groups. Life Groups are small groups of people who get together every week and discuss what was presented in the sermon on Sunday. 
In case you haven’t noticed, my love for Jesus spills over into nearly everything I do and my Doll House is no exception. My dollies love to study the Bible! They have quite a few in the doll house because I find it impossible to pass up the little Gideon Bibles when I find them. So… Naturally, a Life Group for my Doll House was in order! 
Here are the girls with their Bibles all open, discussing some scriptures in Second Corinthians. The Bible is amazing and new treasures are to be found in it every time you open it and it’s no different in the Doll House!

As you can see, they’re serving tea to go with the Bible Study.  
The dolls are very deep into discussions! 
So, next time you see a little Gideon Bible at a garage sale or thrift store, pick it up for your Doll House so they can have a Life Group Bible Study too! 
I love how this old school looking one looks as a ‘Coffee Table Bible’! Just like my Granny always had!
Well, that’s all from the Doll House today! May God Bless ya’ll! See you next time!!

In case you haven’t heard it lately, or enough, or ever, Jesus loves you!! He loves you to the moon and stars and back.

Jesus saves.

4 thoughts on “Life Group at the Doll House!!

  1. Hi Loretta!!! THANKS! I do read comments but am just bad about getting them answered… I am trying to be better about it! Thanks for reading and for commenting! ❤️❤️❤️ This is a favorite of mine too!


  2. That's good! I think you deserve hundreds of comments left on your fantastic posts as you put so much work into it all. I'm slowly going through your whole blog, enjoying it very much. You have quite an imagination!


  3. Hi Loretta! Oh I am so glad you're reading back through… That makes me smile. My postings are kind of like a doll journey I've been on and it's so fun to know someone enjoys reading about my adventures. 🙂 ❤ I just keep finding new things to do and fun finds to tell about. I've loved dolls since I was little bitty but it's only via this blog that I've ever had 'doll friends' (friends who love dolls too) and I am finding that an extra special perk of having written it. So… Thank you! 🙂


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