Famosa Nancy

Hello Doll Friends!
As you’ve probably become keen to, I have a tendency, at least lately, to use whatever ‘mad money’ I have on dolls or things for dolls. You have probably also caught on to the fact that I ‘research’ on eBay, a lot. Interestingly enough, I am finding dolls that I’ve never heard of before. Often, I find them via eBay’s oh-so-dangerous “You may like this because you bought that” feature. I am pretty sure that isn’t the real name for said feature, but that is what it does. I catalogs your purchases and looks around eBay for similar items and suggests them to you. Clever eBay. Clever. 
Such was the route by which the following beauties made their way home to the Doll House. They were on auction as new dolls but totally nude. As if someone purchased them to get the outfits but didn’t want or need the dolls in their collection. Can’t imagine who may do such a thing? Oh wait… I sort of did that. So, honestly, it gives me encouragement to think that the dollies that I buy for just their clothing may very well find new owners who are thrilled to own them. Thrilled like I am to own these two pretty dolls. I got them both for $12! (Ok, so shipping was also $12) and I thought that was a bargain just to get to see what they were all about. 
They are called Famousa Nancy Dolls I would give you a detailed review of their history but there is a fabulous history of them and review of them here.
Please excuse the dolls in their birthday suits but I wanted to show what they looked like, body type wise. They have hard plastic legs and torso, reminding me of the dolls you’d get at the drug store back in the 1970’s that were three feet tall and could ‘walk’. I never had one but my cousin did and I played with her often at my cousins house, so I remember. Much like those dolls, these dolls stand amazingly well on their own!
They are similar in body size and shape to the Heart for Heart dolls but are two inches taller. Their hair is rooted and pretty soft. Their arms and face are of a softer plastic, much like baby doll skin. 
Here they are, all dressed up and hanging out in the doll room with some of the girls. You can see how they compare, size wise, to both the Heart for Hearts dolls and to the Our Generation 18″ doll. 
They all posed for a group photo!
Here they are with a couple of our Disney Princess and Me dolls, they are also similar in body size and will be able to share a lot of the same sized clothes. You can see how the ‘same’ dresses, which I told how to make here and here
I think they are going to fit right in! My daughter named the lighter blonde one Taylor and I named the more golden blonde one Oksana. 
Thanks for stopping by! See you next time! 

4 thoughts on “Famosa Nancy

  1. Hi Cognizant! I am sorry I am only now seeing your post! She is what is called a HeartsForHearts doll. Sadly they don't make them anymore but you can sometimes find them on the secondary market.


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