Just Pretend Dolls Join the Doll House!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
Well… I think I need intervention. Or to remove the eBay app from my phone. Or both. So… Let me explain!! I have been on eBay for many many years, both as a seller and as a buyer. I’ve learned a few tricks of finding things you want for cheap, even now after everyone else knows about eBay. I’d spill all my tricks here but they’d sound like tech talk and I am not a tech blog by any stretch of the imagination! Suffice to say I know how to tweak the search engines like a pro. I will let you in on a little secret about eBay. Or maybe it’s not a secret but not a lot people think about it. As a seller on eBay, one really bad decisions you can make is to put your item up for an auction and have the last day of the auction be on a major holiday. Never do that if you want the maximum bids for your items people! Surprisingly enough, even in today’s society, many people don’t shop on eBay as much on major holidays like Easter and Christmas. So… As you may imagine, there is less bidding competition for good items on that day. 
I’ve not really had any major holidays pass by since the doll bug has bit me again and so… Being me, I couldn’t help myself to just go peek and see what might be out there with regards to my most desired doll types. What do I find but… A person who is obviously selling off their their entire doll collection. What a collection it was too! They had an American Girl lot, a Heidi Ott lot and several other types but the type she had the most of were “Just Pretend” dolls. I’ve wanted one ever since I found out they existed on one of my favorite blogs. Here is an amazing review of them, all their varieties here. This blog may be my undoing because there are so many awesome dolls and naturally I wouldn’t mind having one (or two…) of all of them in the Doll House! Is that wrong?
So I picked my two favorites and bid on my most favorite one, the one in the red candy striped outfit. Her auction ended before the other one and so I figured I’d bid on her and if I got outbid, I’d just bid on the other one. At the time all these amazing dolls were all bid free and only about 12 hours out from ending! Unheard of, these are rare! Especially for what the beginning bid prices were! So anyway, fast forward about six hours and sure enough, I was outbid. Undaunted, I went for the long haired beauty above. I was high bidder and was so excited that I was going to win her in all likelihood because it was about a half hour out from the end of auction and I was still high bidder. Which could mean nothing but… Then!! I got a notice “You’ve Won!” on the other auction. WHAT??! I was really feeling selfish and self-indulgent for buying one but went ahead because these beauties usually go for as much as four times my high bid was. I’d ‘lost’ the auction, I’d let it go! How did that happen!? I was so upset cause I knew I’d probably get both and so I went down and told my husband “I don’t know what happened!!? I’d lost the auction!! Now I’ll get both and I already felt like I’d spent too much” Then he gets this big sheepish grin on his face and said “Why didn’t you think I’d try and get the one you wanted most for you at the last minute?” So he had bid a bit higher than I had and won! As you can tell, I also won the other auction. I feel very spoiled but… I LOVE THEM!
I broke with my recent ‘standards’ of only photographing dolls ‘in the doll house’ as much as possible. I was so excited when I got them in the mail I had to photo them immediately!! Aren’t they gorgeous!?
I know she was my ‘second pick’ but I love love love her! Their hair is amazing!! They are very well made, can stand well on their own and are going to be great friends to all the other dolls in the Doll House!
Their hair needed a bit of brushing when they arrived. Their clothing was great, I think the green dress was home-made but she came with white shoes and the little red and white striped dress is adorable and so well made! The red striped one is my first doll with a short hairstyle and I adore it! Such a cute bob!
So here they are, all changed into fresh dresses and with their faces washed and hair combed. They are so lovely!
With some of the gang!
They have similar body types to the Heart For Heart and other ‘slim line’ dolls. 
Well, that’s it for this time Doll Friends! See you soon!

Photo Outtakes! Bloopers! Hahaha!


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