Vintage 1987 Victoria Ashlea Originals by Bette Bell 16inch Doll Little Sister for American Girl Dolls

Hello Doll Friends!
Well, I am going to just come clean with this post and admit that I, Penniless, am hopelessly addicted to dolls. When I find them for next to nothing, I can’t help but bring them home. The trouble is, I have a talent for finding things for next to nothing! Case in point right this moment we have a this adorable Vintage 1987 Victoria Ashlea Originals by Bette Bell 16″ Doll. When I first noticed her at Goodwill, it was for her cute dress. I wasn’t sure how I felt about her really otherwise but I grabbed her up for the $1.99 they had on her and brought her home. 
Here is the mark on the back of her neck. She was a limited edition doll of 1000 made in 1987 but the ink on her personal number has blurred over time. So, she’s one in a 1000 but we’re just not sure which one. Not that it matters to me, I don’t really buy dolls for their monetary value, I just collect them because I love them. 
Here is the tag inside her dress, which is made very well! As for how she is made, she has a soft, non-articulated body with arms that are cloth up to her forearms, and down to her mid thigh. She can’t stand by herself and doesn’t sit as well as she would if she had an armature. Maybe I’ll put one in her sometime… We will see. She has nice, full, good quality wigged hair and sleepy eyes. She is 16inches  tall and can wear many clothes that are designed for American Girl Dolls, although they are naturally too long in the legs, so mostly skirts and dresses are able to be shared. 

The first thing I did when I brought her home was to change her clothes. No girl wants to wear the same outfit for over two decades! Here she is with some of my other dollies. Often people ask me what sort of doll is in photos so from left to right we have a My Life As (Walmart) Doll, a Vintage Mattel, my new dolly and a Just Pretend doll.

I still need to show you her ‘details’… But I’ll have to update blog when I get that part done….

I was so excited to show her off that I just snapped a photo in the ‘real’ world and didn’t take the time to set up a room of the Doll House to photograph her in. Yet… ‘Real life’ has been keeping me far too busy of late, it’s a Summer problem for all Mom’s I expect. I haven’t had a chance to blog nearly as much a I’d like but never fear… I’ll be back more often as soon as life slows down. It always ebb’s and flows like that. In the meantime, thanks for stopping by and I hope this finds you and your’s having a wonderful beginning of summer!

Till next time!

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