Gotz 18" Boy Doll Find and a Madame Alexander 18" Doll Too!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
It’s been far too long since I posted but June was just one of those busy months! I’ve got about ten drafts posted here, in photos, but just have not found the time to come and finish them off with writing the stories behind the photos. So… I have a bit of time this afternoon and am hoping to get a few stories told! So, to that end, here is the first! 
I found these two beauties at a Garage Sale, lying on a table with other various toys. They weren’t marked, price wise, but I snatched them up and asked the proprietor of the sale how much and was delighted when she answered “How about $3 for both?” Um. Yes.
David is my second Gotz 18″ doll but my first modern one. He has an all vinyl body and can stand pretty well and easily on his own.  He is very well made of course, as all Gotz dolls. The new variety cost about the same as an American Girl Doll and can be purchased through Pottery Barn but I don’t like the face molds available there as much as I like David’s. I named him David from David in the bible, one of my favorites. The Madame Alexander 18″ doll is lovely too. My daughters first 18″ doll was a Madame Alexander produced the same year so it was fun to find one for myself that is like her two. I have one other Madame Alexander myself, she has dark hair and is one of my favorites. Her name is Mary and here is a photo of her. 
Isn’t she pretty?

This is exactly how they came. The pants he is wearing are newborn baby pants and I thought they fit him rather well considering. He has a slimmer line body than American Girl dolls and so the hair tie in back helped hold up his pants.
Here is what he looks like. I think he has an interesting torso shape and like how well he can stand on his own.
So I brought them home and cleaned them up and I think they’ll fit I right into the Doll House. I still haven’t figured out a name for the blonde Madame Alexander. I usually leave them unnamed until something comes to me that feels right… So she’ll be named eventually. 
Here they are, reading in the library. They love books nearly as much I do and were so glad to have such a selection. 
That’s it for this post! Thanks for stopping by! 

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