Vintage Effanbee Edna Hibel Dolls from 1984

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
So we are still in the middle of moving. It’s probably good I didn’t know how long the process would take or I would never ever have packed all my dolls away! I miss them, is that crazy? So much so, my husband has very sweetly added to my collection. Those will have to have their story told some other time though… This post is being written on Labor Day but since I uploaded the photos for the draft in July, it’ll probably post from then. Funny, eh? Like time travel into the past! I got quite a few dolls in July, as I may have mentioned in a prior post, because my wedding anniversary is in that month and my husband knows I love dolls. What a wonderful man he is to me! So some of that windfall of dollies are two Vintage Effanbee Dolls designed by Edna Hibel. I think they are the bee’s knees!
Aren’t they awesome! I love the expressions on their faces. Especially the one with the smirk. Dolls gotta have attitude sometimes too!
As with the other Vintage Effanbee Dolls I have collected, these were originally pretty expensive, even by 2015 standards, when they were produced back in 1984. People would buy them then and tuck them away to keep them “safe” and practically new. Again, like time travel. Then, later, in this case over three decades, someone decides to clean out their collection and I buy them on eBay. Some times I love the Internet!

Closeup photos of their faces.
I love the intricate detailing of her costume.
Here is the back of h outfit.
See? In 1984 she was $45.75! I paid about a quarter of that for both dolls! What’s awesome is they were made very well because they are so expensive. Really top notch!

Here is her kneck marking.
**Nude Doll Warning**
She has an all vinyl body and can stand well on her own.
Her arms and legs both move very well and she is very sturdy. 
Here is the one with attitude! I love her wooden shoes!
Back of her costume.
Front of her tag.
And back. 
Trying on each other’s dresses… They fit ok on each other.
I am sure you’ll be seeing much more of these two! When they get unpacked again that is! They are off in storage right now. 
Well, that’s it for now! See you next time!

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