Our Generation Dolls: Seane and Arwen

Greetings Doll Friends!
As I’ve mentioned, we are in the middle of moving. The timeline of our move has shifted several times now… We attempted to put the cart before the horse and, alas, that is never a good idea and so God has had to slow us down a bit a couple of times for our own good. In our first incepted idea of the move though, we had us packing up and moving out in about three weeks from the moment we decided we were going. So I packed like a lunatic. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned, but in my real life, I am a Military Brat so when I go into “move mode”, I don’t mess around. So ALL of my dolls were very carefully packed up in boxes and set to move. They, along with all my books and crafting supplies and anything else that wasn’t “bare bones essentials” was boxed up. Then our move timeline slowed down. Nearly felt stopped a couple of times, but slowly and incrementally God continues to open up the way for it in His timing. We are still not sure where we are going for sure yet! Ha! Depends on what is on market when we finally get our current house on market. Sorry for all the boring story here that is totally not doll related in any way… But there is a point to my telling you all this.
My. Dolls. Are. Packed.
All. Of. Them.
Now, maybe there was a time when that wouldn’t have bugged me but since I’ve fully embraced my doll loving tendencies… It bugged me. Our stuff went to storage or I might’ve even unpacked a box of them. (Good thing it went to storage! Haha) Anyway… So… My husband knew I missed my dolls. It’s also the month marking 25 years since we met and fell in love. So… He knows they sell dolls and Target and suggested we go get me one to keep me company until move happens. 
Ahem… Note there are two dolls here. When I got there I was torn between them! I love them both and just kept going back and forth! I loved loved loved the one on the left, named Kalyee, better, honestly (between us! Don’t wanna hurt doll feelings!) but the accessories and clothes that come with Willow (on the right) were very tempting too. Not to mention, she is gorgeous as well! So my dear husband, seeing my indecision, said to just go ahead and get both. He is so good to me! He sure knows how to make this girl happy! Don’t tell me twice, I am outta Target right then. I didn’t even stop for popcorn!
I stole these photos off the internet because I didn’t even pause to photo them before I unboxed them!
There were three stock photos of Willow because she has all the fancy bits and bobs that come with her.
This outfit, and the BUNNY slippers were what I had a hard time passing up!
Isn’t she stunning?! I am not alone in admiring her! There is a great write up about her: 

Doll Diaries Kaylee Write Up.

At the Doll Diaries. I can’t seem to find the proper linky to put a good link up so I’ll be back to do that from my laptop later.

I renamed them, of course. They are now Seane and Arwen. Arwen is named after Arwen from Lord of the Rings.
And Seane? She is named after Seane Corn, one of my all time favorite yoga instructors! I plan to make a ‘scar’ in her eyebrow to make her perfect but she really looks just like her, gorgeous hair and all! I gotta find some yoga clothes!
That’s it for now doll friends!
Till next time

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