Vintage Sasha Doll Thrift Store Find!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
Look what I found yesterday at Goodwill! A Sasha doll! I’ve wanted one as a “sister” to my AG and OG dolls forever but you can’t touch them for less than like $150 on eBay. I got her for $3.99!!! I literally jumped up and down when I found her. Haha. So totally stoked!
She even came in clothing! Any one piece of the clothes would probably fetch $3.99 on eBay. Not that we will ever know for sure because I am not selling them! Teehee.
She is in great shape! I am not sure how to tell what year she was made because there are no markings on her. I have a doll dress pattern book (the best ever made, it has patterns enough to totally dress any size doll completely!) that features Sasha dolls as models throughout it and I fell in love with them the moment I saw them when I bought the book in 1994! Link: 
See? I’ve loved dolls all my adult life!
I decided to name her Zoey. 
Here she is, cleaned up and hanging out with Seane and Tracy, my two new Our Generation dolls. 
She is gonna be a great addition to the Doll House! My husband teased me and said “if she is worth so much, why not sell her and buy six other dolls?” But I was like “Never!” I mean, I would and will probably never pony up over $100 for a doll, like he says, I could get four dolls for that (being me) at minimums and that’s just too hard a trade off for me. We do have two American Girl Dolls in the house but they both belong to my dear daughter and were gifts from Grandparents. 
I decided to research Sasha dolls a bit for the sake of this blog post and ran across these photos of some dolls that were recently sold on eBay and I found fascinating because you can see exactly how they came back when they were new. Such beautiful dolls! I found a lovely video of a woman sharing her collection on YouTube that was fun to see too. I’ll post link later, I am having a issue doing links from iPad this morning. 

This doll looked the most like my Zoey.
But they are all lovely. 
That’s it for now Doll Friends! Till next time!

2 thoughts on “Vintage Sasha Doll Thrift Store Find!

  1. Thanks!! I love my Sasha! She is the only one I have but really, that's enough. I don't really 'play' with her too much because I don't want to damage her. I just change her clothes with the seasons and brush out her hair. I'd love to see a photo of yours! There is a lovely video on YouTube about Sasha dolls where a woman shows her whole collection and tells the story of each one. I bet you'd like it too… Let me see if I can't find linky. I found it! Here it is:


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