Vintage 14" Vinyl Dolls by Avon Gift From Friend

Greetings Doll Friends!
One of best things about having girlfriends is they pick up things for you when they find them inexpensively. 
Case in point? These amazing vintage 14inch dolls by Avon! My friend paid just 99cents for each of them says she is going to mail them as soon as I get moved and settled. She doesn’t want me to have to pack them!
I’ll review them for you as soon as I get them! Something to look forward to!
In side news, I found this porcelain Shirley Temple doll on color clearance at my favorite thrift store for 99cents and bought her just for her dress. I re-donated the doll right after I took off her dress. It’ll be a great dress for my HeartforHeart dolls!
That’s it for now Doll Friends!
Till next time! 

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