Madame Alexander 18inch Doll Heather

Hi Doll Friends!
I was out at a Thrift Store and these two followed me home. Really! Ok, maybe not. I actually *gasp!* nearly didn’t buy this Madame Alexander doll… I was a bit worried she was too beat up from massive neglect. Still, she was only $4 because her tag color was half off and so I decided to bring her home and see what I could do. 
Here she is with a Precious Moments doll I found at same store that day. I’ll come back and tell you about her sometime soon to… But for now… Heather.
The photos don’t really do justice to how dirty and beaten up she was.
Here was my main concern though. Her head seemed pretty wobbly on her neck! After researching it a bit to see how they are made, I am a bit less worried. They were designed to have poseable heads and if I set her head strait, she seems to be able to hold it up fine. It did give me pause at first though!
My other concern was her right leg. It was twisted in a strange way that made it turn outward funny. I decided I couldn’t make it worse  and so I sort of just twisted and turned it until it was basically set to rights.
Her hair was very tangled up in this up-do! After inspecting it though and untangling it, I discovered it was still in really good shape! Not damaged, just tangled.

She came out so nice!! I can’t believe I almost didn’t buy her!

Here she is in an OG outfit that came on another doll I got recently. Can’t wait to get moved so I can start making doll clothes again for her and all my other new dollies!
I decided to name her Heather because she is basically my dolly doppelganger… Literally… I have very pale blonde hair and blue eyes and pale skin…. So. She will be ‘me’ in the Doll House! 😉 
Look at her gorgeous hair!! My hair used to be like that… As a 42 year old woman though, it’s a tad less thick and gorgeous than it was when I was a girl. 🙂
I love her.
Here she is with Adrienne, a doll I found two days before I found her at same thrift store. Both dolls cost less than $10! 
Till next time!

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