#GirlsLife 18" Doll Harper from Kohl’s

Greetings Doll Friends!
As you may realize, I am always on the lookout for 14-20″ dolls. Second hand, new, vintage or modern, I am always on look out out for good candidates for the Doll House to tell you about. So, as I was reading a doll blog one day, a writer mentioned she had purchased one of her dolls at Kohl’s. Kohl’s! There is a Kohl’s five minutes from my house! So I drove over there one day to check it out. Not a thing! I mean, toys to be sure but only preschool ones mostly… So, I scratched them off my mental list as a ‘source’ and didn’t think much more about it. 
Fast forward to my dear husband needing socks and underwear. We ran out to Kohl’s to pick some up and low and behold the clerk said “such and such a sale is also good ONLINE” *light bulb goes off* So we go home and I go check their website for 18″ dolls… First all I saw was Madame Alexander variety. Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Madame Alexander and that is probably the sort of doll I was reading about in original blog that made me realize Kohl’s may have dolls. However, I have several already and don’t need another (unless one finds me at a Thrift Store and then all bets are off!) However, scrolling down, I came across this little lady:
“Huh? Who are you?!” Cute outfit! Pretty face! 18″ inches… #GirlsLife Doll? Never heard of them?!
Look at that cute hat?! 

See her sister dolls? How have I missed these before now? There are four of them!
This one was my second favorite… I think. I still can’t decide!
I love her glasses and cute style!
This one is pretty too except for her unfortunate choice in lip color. If I got her, she would have new shade as soon as possible. Then she would be drop dead gorgeous!
I mean look at that hair!
Then there is the blonde one. As most of you know (maybe?) I generally always chose dolls that are not blonde haired and blue eyed. Why? Well, one, that is what I look like. Boring! I’ve been looking at that color combo my whole life. Second? Nearly every doll ever made when I was a kid had that exact coloring and again, boring. So… Sorry blonde dolls of world. Unless I find you really cheap, you’ll not be joining Doll House. I digress… 
She is pretty though, I’ll give her that. 
So… Then I realize she is on sale, no less. AND the sale the clerk told me about would make her 15% off that. So, you guessed it. Harper is on her way. She will be here between October 1st and 6th! I HAD to buy her! As a public service to the doll community! Because I can not find one WORD of information about these dolls ANYWHERE. It’s like they don’t exist other than in the depths of Kohl’s website?! So… Let’s check them out. Pretty sure if I like the way they’re made, that pretty girl in glasses will be coming home at some point too. Ha! They seem to be similar in body type to BFC Ink and Disney Princess and Me dolls. We shall see… We shall see…
Till next time!
PS I just found this photo of the dolls with the little girl who modeled for their packaging. I can’t find any other information or even these photos in her Instagram but it showed a photo of the doll in the box! 

14 thoughts on “#GirlsLife 18" Doll Harper from Kohl’s

  1. Heather – these dolls are so cute! And I was just on Kohl's website ordering the car, etc. for my dolls – but never came across these. So, they are indeed buried – very strange… I will look again. Thanks for sharing ^_^.


  2. Hi, I'm Nicole….Alexa's mom. I couldn't find any info online about the dolls either. However, I do know…they will be coming out for the holidays. Maybe they are just testing them and ads will soon be popping up. If you want ..go to Jakks Pacific..they are the ones who made dolls for Kohl's! We got Harper and she is precious. Would love them all..they are so CUTE..and a lot cheaper the AG! ha,ha! Have a great night!!!! Nicole@usbee.com if you have any other questions. Keep an eye! 🙂 XO


  3. Also, if you get the other dolls…would you see if the photo is different on the back….wondering if its the same photo on all four boxes. My daughter modeled alone as well. My guess is they are coming out for the holidays..and they are new since Aug/2015~ 🙂


  4. Just saw your reply! We sold our house this week and it's been crazy with negotiations! I got her! I took photos for blog post I just need to get it posted and written! I'll get it done today sometime! XXOO


  5. Awesomeness! I love the Internet! How cool that you found my Blog from my finding Alexa's photo! I plan to get one more at some point and I'll let you know but we got Harper too! I'll post blog today all about her! 😀


  6. That's so awesome!!! Ok..sounds great! I am going to the store sometime this week. Someone posted them in store. Not sure where though. I think they literally, just put them on the shelf and will be advertising for the holiday. I saw the list of things that Kohl's will be HOT for this Holiday season…and one listed was the #GIRLSLIFE…so cute! I think they are adorable too. Can't wait to see the other gals…:) Have a great day! Follow us at nictim5 …I''ll follow you back. Happy Sunday! 🙂


  7. hi! I purchase a second hand doll today at once upon a child. This doll was sitting on the shelf, I had asked how much she was selling for( not knowing anything about her, my daughter said she thought the dolls was pretty, so i told her she could get it. I tried to look on line to try to get some type of history on her. with fail i did;t see a thing, until i decided to enter the information from the back of her neck. Then I came across your post! Thank you so much, now i now her history. P.S i picked up the doll for $8.50- score !


  8. Hi I am so glad I found your blog and I love it!!!! Let me tell you I was about to buy this doll for my collection and well o went to kohls and examined her and I don't like her lips!!!! She does have a very nice price to it and I was about to leave with her when guess what!!!!! Kohls is selling the Wellie Wishers from American Kohls and with my 30% off I took her instead!!!!!!!! Yes Kohls takes discounts for Wellie Wishers can you believe that!!!! You have to try it. Maybe I will come back for the #girlslife. We will see….


  9. Hi hi hi Angie! I don't make it to my actual computer as often as I would like and it's where I answer comments. I am so glad you found blog too! So nice to know it's being read and enjoyed. How awesome about the Wellie Wisher doll! I want to get one so maybe I'll have to go to Kohl's when I decide which one it is I am going to buy… The #GirlsLife dolls are cute but I only have the one. I am more drawn to the dolls that aren't quite so 'slim line'. Have a great day!


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