Meet Pam! A Robin Woods Vintage 14" Vinyl Doll

Greetings Doll Friends!
We sold our “real” house and move in early November! Hallelujah! God is good! So… Not too much longer and I’ll be reporting from my new Doll Office! So excited! I’ll get to introduce all my new dollies to my old dollies! Fun!
Meanwhile, in doll find happenings… I have been looking at the Vintage Robin Woods 14″ vinyl dolls on eBay for a while now. I love their cute painted on faces and their dresses are always adorable! However I am cheap and they usually run about $40-50 when you factor in shipping and I couldn’t ever work up nerve to spend that much on a doll I didn’t know anything about other than I liked then in the photos. 
Then, the other day at a thrift store, I see a collection of dolls on a shelf. They looked to be all porcelain (NOT my thing!) but I always look at them in case I want to buy them for their costuming. Teehee. Then what do I see but this cute face peeking out at me! She was marked $6.99 and that is generally a tiny bit more than I pay for thrift store dolls but…
Look at her! She is adorable! 
Am short on time here so I am gonna let the photos tell you all about her!

She’s got the cutest painted on face.
She came with a real small book. Love!!
Nude doll photos below. Gotta review them somehow!
She is SO well made!!
She stand perfectly on her own with no stand! I named her Pam after my Dad’s wife Pam. She looks like her and looks sweet too and GrandPam is very sweet so it fits!
That’s it for now! 
Till next time!

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