My First Adora 18inch Doll

Hi Doll Friends!
So, in my research about 18inch dolls, I often run across a type that I think are lovely but immediately dismiss as a “maybe someday for a big gift request at Christmas or if I win the lottery (helps to actually play)” type of thing. 
Adora 18″ Dolls are one of those dolls. They generally cost about $70-80 new and that’s just a bit beyond what I like to pay for dolls. When you can get three dolls or one doll, I can’t help but usually defer to the three! Teehee…
That being said, I keep those type of dolls on my eBay saved searches in the off chance that one will come across my radar that I can actually deem affordable enough to purchase…
This little lady proved to be the one of that variety. Her auction starting price was $9.99 shipping was $11.00. I decided I’d put in the minimum bid amount and just see what happened. 
I got her for $9.99 that’s what happened!! I mean, of course shipping was $11.00 but she came with several outfits. 
Here is what she looked like in her auction photos.
See? She came with three outfits, two pairs of shoes and a pompom. The clothes and shoes alone were probably worth what I paid for her. 
Ironically enough, Brandi (May Lee) just came home to the Doll House recently and she could totally be cousins to this doll. In fact, the outfit the Adora doll is wearing was Brandi’s ‘meet outfit’.  I am trying to think of a name for the Adora doll but haven’t come up with much yet…
She really is well made. I realize that she is one of the older face molds from the Adora 18inch doll line. You can see the newer ones here and a review of the newer variety here.
I can’t really decide if I think it’s just some rather strange blushing intentionally put on from the factory or an odd stain? She has the blushing on both her hands and her feet and, strangely enough, on her forehead.
She has a few nicks and stains inherent to previously loved dolls, but I think it just adds to her character. 
Blush or no blush, what cute hands and feet she has!
From what I read in the Doll Diaries Blog post I linked to above, her body type is different than the more recently released dolls.
She is shaped much like American Girl Dolls and Our Generation Dolls in her legs but is more like a Journey Girl. She has a chest plate but it is attached in a way I’ve never seen before. It’s like it’s sewn on with stitches. She feels very sturdy and you can tell she is a higher end doll just by picking her up. 
She does have sleepy eyes that are in good shape.
These are her tags. She was one of the Girl Scout variety of Adora dolls although she didn’t come with any portion of her original “meet outfit” despite having such a great wardrobe for a $9.99 18inch doll on eBay irregardless of her brand. 
She is a wigged doll and her wig seems very nice quality wise. You can tell she was a well loved doll and her hair is a bit courser than I suspect it was when she was new but it’s thick and nice. 
You can see she has a few ‘rubs’ on her cheek and there is that tiny stain I want to go after with a magic eraser when I lay my hands on one. I didn’t realize we were out!

All in all, I love her! She is a great addition to the Doll House!
Any idea’s on name? Leave it in comments.

Till next time!

2 thoughts on “My First Adora 18inch Doll

  1. She reminds me of a little girl I fell in love with while on a mission trip in Guatemala….I never knew her name so I always call her Angelique!! She looked like a little Angel to me!!


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