Farley, My Vintage Life Of Faith 18inch Doll Thrift Shop Find

Greetings Doll Friends!!
Totally stoked!! I found this beautiful Life of Faith Doll at Goodwill for $5.99!! I’ve always wanted one but you can’t touch them on eBay for les than $100! She is gorgeous!
She was in her original meet dress and its in great shape considering its age!
She is such a pretty doll! They were designed to be able to pray. I love love love her!

She came in her beautiful lace slip and bloomers. Her outfit alone would probably sell for more than I paid for her, on eBay. 
She was kind of a mess when I found her. Her face was pretty dirty and she had a lot of marks on her face, arms, legs and body.
A little dirt never scared me though and I love to bring a doll back from the Toybox Battleground into her former beauty.
Here is where her Goodwill sticker was. I pulled it off the moment I got in the car…
Review commencing soon… You’ve been warned!!
She has a very sturdy, well made vinyl body in great shape for a nearly 20 year old doll.
Here are her neck markings.
She is so interesting, she even has a detailed collarbone. Neat.
She has been well loved!
She did have one flaw on her eye, a little ding in the glass. Still, she is beautiful and I am so happy to have her!

All cleaned up. Her hair was a mess but I worked it out very slowly and methodically and since it is such nice quality hair, it came out pretty well.
So pretty!
I love that she can do worship!
And pray. So sweet.
I named her Farley. 
That’s it for now doll friends!!

3 thoughts on “Farley, My Vintage Life Of Faith 18inch Doll Thrift Shop Find

  1. Wow, what a fantastic price! I paid $100 US for each of my Life of Faith dolls. Maybe more…I can't remember. I love these dolls too. I have Elsie Dinsmore and Kathleen. They are on my windowseat.


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