Babies! Babies! Babies! Baby Siblings for 18" Dolls!

Greetings Doll Friends!
So I dropped in to say hi to a friend at my favorite Thrift Shoppe and low and behold I found these two little baby dolls! They were same size as Heidi, the baby sister doll I’d recently gotten for the Doll House! I brought them and all the rest of the stuff you see here and paid $3 for all of it! So the babies were 50cents each! I won’t lie, I kind of bought the 2nd one intending to steal it’s clothes and re-donate but then I decided it might be fun to have twin sibling babies in the Doll House!
Not bad for $3!! The babies were brand new. There were six on the shelf and I think they must’ve been used for decorations at a baby shower because they’d never been played with at all. Their hats were still stitched to their clothes! 

Aren’t they cute?! I put Heidi’s dress on one of the twins and put Heidi in a nightgown I got off a doll I re-donated (forgot to photo!) They are perfectly sized to be baby siblings for the Doll House! They are the Circo Mini Babies from Target and are about $4 new. So 50cents isn’t too bad. 
Then… This past weekend we had to go to ToysRUs for a gift for someone and I found these cute babies!! I had intended to go to Target to perhaps get a few more Circo Babies because after I got the ones at the thrift store, I found out that, of course, other bloggers had long ago discovered the Circo babies at Target and them being great baby sibs for the 14″-18″ doll set. The ones at Target come with accessories like a baby seat and a tub and so I may yet… But… Back to ToysRUs. I was in the baby doll area looking for the gift I mentioned when I saw these babies!
I am all about diversity in dolls and face molds and so I and to get them… There are a few others too… Hmmm… They are really inexpensive too! The dolls by themselves are $4.99 the set with the baby, high chair and bottle was $9.99. I’ve decided I don’t like the high chair and won’t keep it. It’s too short. But the doll that came in it had the cutest face and it had the bottle so… I went for it.
I’ve decided that both of these ToysRUs ones are going to be boy babies. They are the tiniest bit more robust than the Circo Twins and so… Boys!
This little guy had the cutest face!
Looks like Farley has her work cut out for her! That is a lot of hungry babies!

Good thing Eliza joined the Doll House and loves babies!!
That’s it for now Doll Friends!
Till next time!

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