A New Custom Springfield 18inch Boy Doll

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
I’ve considered buying a Springfield Olivia doll for a while now… But not to keep as a girl doll, to customize into a boy! I just never took the plunge because they are always at Micheal’s and I seem to always find some other thing to spend my Dolly money on. However, this past weekend, I went to Micheal’s with my 50% off coupon to pick up a pair of shoes or something (I generally always go pick up a little doll something or other with them, a fun $3-5 treat!) and low and behold they have the dolls on sale for $12.99 AND 20% off whole purchase. Perfect! I bought one and brought it home!
I was so eager to get started that I didn’t even think to photo the doll in the box… Stole this photo of one in the box from the Internet. Haha.
The hair on these dolls comes all stitched together and I figured it made sense to just leave it on when I cut off the length of his hair.
I had originally planned to just try a hair cut and if I messed it up I could buy a boy wig. I actually kind of wanted this doll to have brown hair because I wanted a brown haired green eyed boy doll… However, I was actually pleased with my “Mommy Bowl Cut” after I was all done. A lot of little boys have hair cuts done by their mom… So, I thought it was perfect! After considering the face on him, he really doesn’t favor who I was kind of using him to make a custom doll of. So he will stay a red head!
I still plan to remove his cheek color and darken his lips and add freckles (my first!) but I was pleased with him so far and figured I’d show you. The shirt he is wearing is a bit long, it’s a newborn baby shirt, totally unaltered. I plan to shorten it but my sewing machine is packed! Other than length though, the shirt fits nearly perfectly. The pants I stole off one of those 1990s stuffed rabbits people had sitting all over back then. They were all I had in the house that even slightly resembled boy pants and so I went for it. 
My daughter says we should name him Ronald Weasley… I plan to make a Harry Potter doll as soon as I get moved, I even have the doll! So, that will work!
Isn’t he great!
Till next time!

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