Nearly All My Dolls In One Photo

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!!

We are moved! Hallelujah!! We actually moved about a week and a half ago but I couldn’t unpack my dolls until the loft where my husband and I are going to bedroom and office had carpet put in. Happily the carpet went in on Friday and everything is coming together finally! So… In what felt like Christmas yesterday morning, I spent about an hour or so unpacking all my dolls onto our couch. I figured I’d put them all there and take a group photo. Mind you, all of them have box hair and they were not posed nearly as well as I’d have liked because I kind of just put them on the couch willy-nilly as they came out of the boxes. I am telling you, it was so much fun! I wrapped them all in pillowcases before putting in boxes (Um, yeah, I have a lot of pillowcases… Have I mentioned my affinity for linens? I digress) and so as each one came out of a box, I didn’t know until I took them out of the pillowcase which they were… So much fun! So, without further adieu… Here are *nearly* all my dolls!
I know the photo quality is horrid and you can’t see all their faces very well but… It’s the closest I’ve ever come to having them all in one photo before. I realized after taking it that I had about 10 more dolls upstairs already, including my AG. I’ll have to figure out which they were otherwise and take a group of them and add later so I’ll have a post including all my dolls. Can’t imagine when I’ll take another group photo of all of them because it took some doing, getting them all situated. Haha! I’ve considered trying some YouTube videos and perhaps my first ones will be videos of my doll collection. We shall see. As it is, although my blog has had like 10K hits so far, I don’t think I have one subscriber yet. My kids ask all the time because they care about such things. My point in bringing it up is to say that I pretty much write this blog just because I enjoy it… Anyone who reads it or gets anything out of it, mores the better! Maybe I have regular readers and they are like me and just don’t subscribe to blogs? I read about ten doll blogs regularly and only have them bookmarked, not subscribed. So… Whichever. So if you’re a regular reader, howdy! Glad to have you along! Am rambling now. So happy to be in new house. Worked on my dolls space yesterday and it’s gonna be awesome! So… All these months of work and worry and being unsettled are finally paying off! God is good.
Till next time Doll Friends! 

4 thoughts on “Nearly All My Dolls In One Photo

  1. Heather, I like your blog and would love to subscribe to it. I amj ust not quite sure how to go about it.I didn't see a subscribe button on the blog anywhere. Can you please help me with this,once you get settled in of course?


  2. Hi Tasha! I have been trying to figure this out! Changed my blog to be linked to my Google+ as my best effort! Saw you friended me there! Thanks! Also saw you are also into yoga! We were MEANT to be friends! LOL Have a great day!


  3. Oh, Heather,I am really happy to see your blog and dolls and I am planning to read all whenever I have free time. But I guess it won't take long time.


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