18inch "Style Girl" Doll Clothes at Tuesday Morning!

Greetings Doll Friends!
I was in Tuesday Morning about a week ago, looking for something for our new “real” house and I was surprised and excited to find these doll clothes! 
They are made by “Style Girls” brand. They were priced $6.99 per set.
I own three “Style Girls” dolls, I got them all at Aldi during 2013’s Christmas season. Here they are (just snapped photos of them on the Doll Wall, sorry not the best!) 
This is Isla. She is my favorite of the three. Shhh! Don’t tell the other two!

This is Rebecca. I love her curly hair! (I made her dress)
And last but not least 
We have Tina. She was my first 18″ doll with brown eyes and blonde hair. That is my favorite eye color for blonde dolls because it’s a bit different.

Back to the clothes. When I got my dolls, the one thing I wasn’t impressed with at the time (for the price point) was the clothes. Albeit I am a really tough judge! I think doll clothes should be made as well or better than “real” clothes cos little hands are hard on them!

So I didn’t buy them. Just photo’d the boxes to tell you about them.
They also had this Disney Princess knock off 18″ Doll. Kind of pretty but again, I left her there for someone else to buy. I can’t buy ALL the dolls! Right? 
That’s it for now doll friends!
Till next time! 

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