Justice Has 18inch Doll Clothes!

Greeting Doll Friends!!
Recently, when we were moving, my daughter wanted to go to the mall. Ugh. I hate hate hate malls. Perhaps it’s because I worked in one as a teenager? The ‘smell’ makes me kind of get a head ache even. I love my daughter though and to get Justice clothes, what she wanted, that’s where you have to go. 
As she was trying on her clothes, low and behold I look up and what do I see? 18inch Doll Clothes! By Justice!! How cute!!
These are the two I chose first but changed my mind on the robe one and got the one with the black boots and green flowered top in the photo below on the top right.

They also sell them online apparently! Who knew? Not me until then at least! I think the online prices are a bit crazy but… I am cheap as y’all know! 
They were on sale the day I stopped in. I got my two sets on sale for $7.99! I’ll be back with a review soon! So go to Justice and see if you can’t find some great clothes for your doll!
Till next time!

4 thoughts on “Justice Has 18inch Doll Clothes!

  1. Hi! Heather.Every morning good to read your blog. I really feel sense of kinship with you. I also went to mall last nigth to buy lightbulb and I was wondering if I should buy doll clothes.Unforunately, there aren't many doll clothes at mall in Korea.I usually buy doll clothes on blog sites.I'd like to know if it is acceptable that I leave my comments on your blog. Looking over your positings, there aren't many comments, I wonder if you don't like comments and leaving my comments is not polite.Anyway, I am really happy to find your blog as your hobby is similar to mine.


  2. Hi Frann! I love your comments! I've honestly just never taken the time to promote my blog much at all. For the longest time I felt like I was talking to myself! So comment away! Is it expensive to ship to Korea? I've only ever shipped to APOs there and that's like domestic post. So glad you're reading! Keep commenting, it always makes me smile. I don't have very many \”doll friends\” and many of my real friends are sweet about it but really don't \”understand\” my hobby. So glad to be your doll friend!


  3. Hi Heather,You told what I'd like to say. Right, all of my real freinds cannot understand my hobby and it seems that they may think me strange. Sharing hobbies is very important for friendship. As I am not good at taking pictures and don't like writing, I am not active to do my blogging. Instead, I will be your stongest follower and doll friend. And you can talk to me, instead of yourself.And Yes, it is normally expensive to ship to Korea. I usually use a global carrier delivery service company. Its price is resonable and my online shopping site is Amazon.


  4. Oh Frann,I've been frightfully busy… Just realized I never responded! I would love you to be my strongets follower! It's been so nice hearing from you! It's such an encouragement! Hope this finds you having a lovely weekend!! XXOO H


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