My Family As Dolls!

Greetings Doll Friends!

My recent American Girl completed the family of dolls I’ve been making of my real family. I’ll take a better “portrait” of them some time but they sit on the most prominent shelf in my new doll space and I just walked by them and they made me smile, as they commonly do… And I thought “I should take a photo and show my doll friends!
Meet the Family!

Note that I have dolls and my favorite books in all the land, the Bible and Jesus Calling along with one on prayer.

My husband has a leather jacket and gold chains because it makes laugh. He is holding “The Art Of War” because, well, he’s my husband. Not to mench the pistol. I’d never be married to a guy who wasn’t able to protect his family! 2nd Amendment people! (Just lost half my readers maybe but gotta be us) Teehee.

Here are V and L. Pretty self explanatory. He doesn’t actually ride a skate board but he is all over that iPad behind them. She really does play the violin. 
So there you have us! 
Till next time!

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