New Custom 18inch Boy Dolls from My Life As and Our Generation Dolls

Hi Doll Friends!!

Just took plunge and cut hair off two dolls with really bad hair and turned them into boy dolls!
More specifics later but just had to show them! 
**UPDATE 12/26/15**

Hi Doll Friends!

Wow, you have it in your mind that you’ve posted a blog and frollick off to do the next thing and then you look and go… Oh, nice. An empty blog post. How embarrasing!

I made these two dolls recently. I was kind of planning on keeping one and forcing self to get rid of other but… I simply love both of them. I named the one on the right Tristan… Still haven’t decided for sure on the name of the brown eyed one. Am leaning towards Heath. What do you think?/

More on them soon in a much more detailed post with their hair being chopped off etc…

Till then!

5 thoughts on “New Custom 18inch Boy Dolls from My Life As and Our Generation Dolls

  1. Hi! Heather, Another good week and Merry Christmas~~~~You have such a magic hand. You had your dolls get perfect make-over. Now I understand what your blog name means, which is your project name. The boys are cool.


  2. Hi Frann!!Such a busy week! Thanks so much for your kind words! I sometimes feel a bit silly, playing with dolls at my age (43) but I just get such a kick out of taking a doll that has been shabbily treated and bringing back 'round to life. I'll have to post a blog sometime about my blog name and where it came from. I've had the blog moniker since clear back in my Myspace days and it just sort of stuck. Promise I'll post story soon! Merry Christmas sweet friend!!! XXOO


  3. Hi Frann!!Such a busy week! Thanks so much for your kind words! I sometimes feel a bit silly, playing with dolls at my age (43) but I just get such a kick out of taking a doll that has been shabbily treated and bringing back 'round to life. I'll have to post a blog sometime about my blog name and where it came from. I've had the blog moniker since clear back in my Myspace days and it just sort of stuck. Promise I'll post story soon! Merry Christmas sweet friend!!! XXOO


  4. Hi~~ Heather,Thank you for your kind reply. I also feel a bit childish having dolls and making something for them at my age(50), much older than you. But Spending my free time making something for them is my hobby and it makes me happy. Let's be proud of our hobby. I am looking forward to hearing your blog name story and so on.Merry Christmas~~~~ my warmhearted friend!!!


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