Paradise Kids Rodeo Ready Christina 18inch Doll Find

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
In a recent post I told you about a Paradise Kids 18inch doll I’d found on eBay for less than $15 including shipping… I’ve been looking at Paradise Kids for a while now on eBay but never had been able to find one that was a price I was willing to pay. What I love about eBay is that, if you’re patient, you’re bound to find what you want eventually as long as you keep your search engines working for you. I digress… On to the doll!
When I first saw a photo of one of these dolls, I thought she was a Madame Alexander doll. I think it’s the lips… Madame Alexander 18inch dolls have a pretty distinct look to their mouths, always looking just the slightest bit like they are puckering for a kiss but not in an unattractive ‘duck face for a selfie’ sort of way. This doll seems to have the same sort of mouth. I can’t remember what blog I was reading when I found out about them but it was more than likely the Doll Diaries post about Paradise Kids. I read that blog all the time as it is an amazing resource for information about dolls. In fact, sometimes I  think her reviews are so, well, amazing, that writing more about dolls she has reviewed seems a tiny bit superflous but… Then I remember that when you’re researching something you’re interested in, there is never ‘too much information’ and I persevere! 
On that note, here we go…
Isn’t she pretty? She came in her orginal ‘meet outfit’ and, as far as I could tell, had been played with very seldom, if at all. Her original hairstyle is still in place even with the plastic fasteners… Almost like, perhaps, a little girl was gifted this doll and she carried it around for one day and then relegated it to the toy bin. Given the volume of dolls it has afforded me at very low costs, I am not sure if it is a blessing or a curse that many modern children (my own included) generally get a whole lot more toys than they can ever play with… Haha! It means more dolls for me but I begin to *gasp* wonder if I am not getting too many dolls myself? Hmmm… Golly, I’ve digressed again. Too many dolls…? What a silly thought! As if there is such a thing?
Here she is all cleaned up with her hair brushed and a different outfit. I tell you, I think the first thing dolls want when they finally get ‘home’ is to get a change of clothes. Can you imagine wearing the same outfit since you’re birth? All kidding aside, changing the outfit is generally the first thing I do after brushing the hair. What is your ‘first thing’ to do when you get a new doll?
As many of you know, blonde haired blue eyed dolls are generally not my first (or second or third) pick if I get to pick from an assortment. This little beauty was the one listed at the price I wanted to pay though and now that I have her home, I think she is just gorgeous. 
Her hair is very soft and full and seems to have been ‘cut’ evenly… You’d think that’d be something ‘normal’ for dolls but you’d be surprised how many dolls I pull out of a box, new, who have very sloppy hair trimming done. So, well done. 
Here she is with Panda, my daughters first American Girl doll. They look like great friends already, don’t they?
Then Nadine, my Creatology doll from Michael’s (who came named Lauren but I re-named Nadine after my Granny because she looks a whole lot like her) joined the photo too. 
As I said above, Doll Diaries did such a great job reviewing this doll it seems repetitious to repeat but I’ll just point out the things I thought were interesting. She has a body that is made more like a Madame Alexander or a Journey Girl doll in that she has a plastic upper chest plate. I like both styles of body types, this and the ones like American Girl or Our Generation who have an all fabric torso. This type, admittedly, tend to look better in fashions like sun dresses and halter tops because they have ‘realistic’ looking shoulders and neck lines. So it’s worth noting. 
Her waistline was a surprise. The way she is assembled or sewn is different than any doll I’d seen before. She has a seam in her center, at the waist, that makes her have a nice waistline. Pretty neat!
She has a slim back side and I think she will be able to wear the more ‘slim line’ clothing made for Journey Girls or other slim line dolls. 
Here is her tag. It did surprise me to find that they have a Paradise Kids website. It was helpful though because from there I learned her original title was “Rodeo Ready” Christina I don’t think I’ll keep the name but it was fun to see that I was right about her being in her “meet outfit” and original hairstyle. It looks like some of outfits on the website are still available for sale but when I click the link to ‘buy’ a doll, it brings you to an ‘unavailable’ screen. So I don’t think you can get them there anymore. Still interesting to look at all the dolls they had. 
Information on hair cair on the tag. Handy!
Her outfit was cute and topnotch!
The jeans were heavy denim and lined!! I assume as a precaution against dye transfer from the dark denim but still, top notch! I think the outfit, in this case, was probably worth what I paid for the whole doll. Hip hip hooray for eBay!
Velcro closure in back. 
Cute belt buckle too!
 I am sure you’ll see lots of this pretty doll going forward… I finally got my sewing maching out and made a couple of skirts and she, as I suspected, fit into one of them and they were made for the slimmer Journey Girl dolls. She’s a great model!!

Well, that’s it for now doll friends!!
Till next time!

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