Barnes and Noble Espari 18inch Doll Lily Ria

Hi Doll Friends!

Guess what I got for Christmas from the best husband ever?
She is so pretty!
More as soon as I can get back!

***Updated 12/26/15***

Hi again!

I really don’t like leaving my blog unwritten but it’s been the only way I can figure out to get photos to upload from my phone. Anyway…

I’ve wanted an Espari doll from Barnes & Noble ever since I read about them on my Journey Girl Dolls Adventures Blog. She did a very good review and I don’t really have much to add to it but decided to take some photos and share Lily Ria since she is not the Espari doll reviewed on that blog. I let my husband decide which doll to buy out of my favorite two and she is the one he picked. I really love her! 

These are photos from her box. Note it says they are $59.95. The regular price on Barnes and Noble is $49.95.
I liked the way she was packaged, she was pretty easy to get out of the box. 
They really are a lot like Journey Girls. If you’d have given her to me with no box, I’d assume that is what she was. They do have a few differences, as noted in the other blog about them but not really enough that you’d notice unless you were looking very closely at both at the same time.
One thing I love about Espari clothing though is that there are usually quite a few pieces and one or two of them are reversable. In this case it is her cute little vest. I plan to steal it for a boy doll immedately. Haha!
Here it is reversed. Cute huh?

She was wearing plastic ‘socks’ to protect her feet from dye transfer.
Under her vest she is wearing the long sleeve ‘star’ top (Also kind of plan to steal for a boy doll) and a white sleeveless Tshirt. So a lot of clothes to mix and match if she is given as a first doll and no clothes are given with her.
Here she is in the doll house.
With her hair down.
**Nude Doll Photos Below**
Here is a photographic comparison between a Journey Girl and Espari dolls.
Here she is with all of my Journey Girl Dolls. 
She fits right in!
Till next time!

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