Our Generation 18inch Doll Collection So Far…

Greetings Doll Friends!!

Second part of a series! I am pleased to introduce you to the dolls in my collection made by Our Generation or Battat as they were formerly known as. Back with details as soon as I can!!

**Update 12/26/15**

Hi Doll Friends!

Finally making it back here. I used to say that Tolly Tot’s were my favorite of all the 18inch dolls on the market but they are slowly being replaced as my top favorite by one that is much more readily available. Hence my exploding collection of them! I honestly think that Our Generation dolls and accessories are made just as well as American Girl Dolls and items. Given that you can buy the ‘basic’ dolls for under $20 when they go on sale sometimes, that is saying something. You could have a whole doll house full of OG’s for the price of two AG’s. I get that AG’s kind of set the standard and started the whole 18inch doll craze though so… I get it. 

Katie was my first OG doll. I got her at a Garage Sale for a couple of dollars back when my daughter was into AG’s much more and needed more ‘friends’ for her dollies. She started out as a blonde… Upon reflection, I could’ve fixed her hair with a simple hot dip but I didn’t know that at the time. I wanted to try my hand at re-wigging then too, and so I sheared off her blonde tresses and turned her into a brownette. I think she looks very pretty with this hair color and like the idea of her being a custom one of a kind OG. She is named Katie after one of my best friends from high school. 
Vito is the doll I made to ‘look like’ my son by re-wigging an old Battat doll. He is obviously one of my favorites given that he is after my son.
Florence was the first OG that was specifically purchased for me new. She is the doll that made me really love OG dolls… You can read about her homecoming here. She came named Joy but I named her Florence after Florence and the Machine. 
Target had a few sales this year and, well… My OG Doll collection kind of exploded. Seane and Liv’s story can be found here.

I orignally called Arwin Tracy but then I got my next OG Doll within a few days of getting these two, at a Thrift store and she became Tracy. This one looked so much like Arwin from The Lord of the Rings that I named her after her. I love Arwin! 
Tracy is named after one of my best friends from High School too. We got married the same year and are both still married 25years later. That’s saying something! You can read about her homecoming and make-over here.
So they are kind of like twins… 
Brandi is named after one of my best friends from my Hot Mama’s days. Hot Mama’s was a group of fabulous women I was lucky enough to be a member of when all of our kids were pre-schoolers. Brandi’s homecoming story is right here.
Sonali and Handra both came home at the same time… Target put them on sale for like $18 shipped! It had to happen! You can read abou them coming home here.
I just realized when looking for it, I apparently never posted Elvis’s story… I’ll have to come back and do that soon! He was made with a vintage Battat doll who’s face mold is same as Vito. I think they make great boys!
Tristan Ludlow was another boy I made with a doll I found for $1.99 and a wig I got for a 99cent auction win! I like him quite a lot and think he turned out swell. I named him Tristan Ludlow after a character from “Legends of the Fall”. 
Gwyneth Blythe was sort of an accidental purchase… I only bought her because she came with an AG doll on eBay. She was in horrble shape when she came home and I am trying to upload photos for a blog all about that as I type…
Well, that’s it for now Doll Friends!! I am sure I will get more OG’s. I even have a bid on one on eBay right now… It ends in a few hours so we will see… She’s one I’ve wanted a while. Aren’t they all?
Till Next Time!

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