Tolly-Tot 18Inch Doll Collection So Far…

Greetings Doll Friends!
I’ve wanted to post better photos of my doll collection and wanted to come up with a cohesive way to categorize them to make posts small enough to be readable… Hmmm… 
I decided a good way would be to make posts of each of the “type” of dolls in my collection. Then I can come back and update if/when I get more of that sort of doll.
So I started with Tolly-Tot dolls because my very first 18inch doll was a TollyTot I bought at a Garage Sale to be a model for some doll clothes I wanted to (secretly) make my daughter for Christmas. Which reawakened my love for dolls! Teehee! That was in 2013, two years ago almost exactly… That doll was Rose and she is the first in the order here. I am trying to list them all in order I got them in… I plan to come back and post stories of them later but for now, the photo’s will do the introductions!
Merry Christmas!
**Updated 12/26/15**
Hi Doll Friends!
I’ve really been enjoying the time off work, sewing, photographing and writing as much as possible when you also have Christmas and your daughters Birthday in the same weekend. Luckily, given that we just moved and had been living out of suitcases and boxes for months, a loy key relaxed Christmas is what everyone wanted. We didn’t even bother to get out of our PJ’s, although I did shower and change into fresh ones. Haha! Yeah Christmas! Of course, I tried to keep my mind on the reason we even have Christmas at all, Jesus. He is my reason for being alive and I tried to keep my mind on Him being born into this fallen planet and allowing Himself to take my punishment so that I could actually get to know Him, well, that’s the best gift of Christmas afterall, every day of every year. Jesus is the best Gift. Eh?
Ok… On to the dolls. Tolly Tots! As I said above, TollyTot are one of my favorite of all the 18inch dolls. They’re slowly being pushed out of number one by Our Generation but only because they are no longer produced and OG’s are much more readily available to just ‘go to the store’ and buy. If they still made them and I could go out and buy them at Target, you can bet they’d be my favorite, hands down. Alas, they stopped making them and now only make the Disney Animator type dolls, the 14inch type, for younger girls. 
You can still find them, though, on the secondary market. You can usually find 5-10 at any given time on eBay at varying prices depending on seller, condition, and how rare they are. The blonde blue eyed one is the most common with the second being the one I had first, Rose. 
I am not sure what her original name was but I call her Rose. She was purchased at a garage sale for a couple of dollars. She had a small tear in her body cloth that I repaired with a ‘patch’ that I call her tattoo. She is one of my favorite dolls because she was the first 18inch doll I ever owned as ‘mine’ besides two Heidi Ott Dolls I had on display only back in the 1990s that I *gasp* got rid of when my son was born because I thought I was ‘too old’ for dolls. As if. So glad I got over that idea! 
Here she is in her yoga clothes, ready for class. When I decided to show my doll collection, I decided I would, for the most part, just grab them from where they were, as they were dressed and only spruce up their hair for the photo. If I started re-dressing them all to match, I’d never post my collection. 
Electra was one of the first dolls I purchased on eBay for myself. I just couldn’t get over her white hair. It’s kind of a train wreck, even after two hot dip treatments but I refuse to cut it off and/or re-wig her because I love her purple streak. She is wearing the outfit my American Girl Doll came in because I thought it’d look great on her, given her cool hair highlights.
Holly was another eBay purchase from 2014. I love her freckles. She is named after my sister Holly, who had freckles and hair just this color when we were little bitty.
Adam was my first boy doll. I originally thought he would be my ‘Vito’ doll but then I found the other one I actually used and he just looked much more like him. Adam’s hair is actually grey. My friend cut his hair for me after I won him on an auction on eBay. 
Sasha is pretty new to the doll house. I got her on eBay in the last few months… I’ve lost track of when. I just recall seeing her and she was at a price I could actually afford and her hair looked like it was still new! Score!! I think she’s gorgeous! My husband named her, said she just looks like a Sasha.
Lakota is very new too. I’ve been on the look out for this one for a while… I love her black hair with rust colored highlights. When I saw her for a steal, it had to happen. She is striking!
Jean Luc is only half TollyTot. Haha. His head is from a TollyTot baby doll I found for 99c at a thrift store and his body is an Our Generation body off a doll with horrible hair also gleaned from a thrift store for 1.99. So he cost a total of 2.99! I simply adore him. He’s a one of a kind and he’s half TollyTot half OG and those are my two favorite doll companies for 18inch dolls. Sweet! He’s named after Jean Luc Picard, obviously, from Star Trek TNG. I was a total devotee back in the 90’s! I won’t call myself a ‘trekkie’ because I didn’t follow any of the other Star Trek story  lines. But TNG, I totally taped it. 
“Tea. Earl Grey. Hot”

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