Win This UpCycled 18inch Doll Skirt!! A Drawing at my Facebook Page!

Greetings Doll Friends!

So I’ve had my sewing machine up and running for over a week now and have gotten a few things UpCycled into doll clothes and even blogged about it already twice.  As I’ve mentioned, my doll clothes collection has gotten really out of hand. I have quite a lot of dolls, they are all dressed and I still manage to have my rather large doll clothes closet packed. By product of loving to write about dolls I suppose. Also I love to make doll clothes and can’t seem to stop making them. Hmm… What to do…?
See?! Craziness!
So… Perhaps it’s time to give something away! Or several things but only one per contest so everyone has a better chance to win something for their dolly!
This time I think it’s going to be this pink Ruffles doll skirt I UpCycled from a baby skirt. 
Here is the skirt modeled by the lovely Seane. (Our Generation 18″ doll)
As you can see from the source item, a 6month sized baby skirt, the ruffle was torn off one side of the skirt so it was pretty useless to be used as baby item anymore anyway. One thing I love about upcycling is that you get to save something that would otherwise go in the bin in all likelihood. Win win. The rest of the skirt still had plenty of cute left in it though so I set to work! 
I would go through the whole process again but in interest of getting the contest started before next year, I am going to just post a link to a tutorial I posted about the process. I have lots of tutorials about how to upcycle doll clothes from baby/kids clothes, you will have to check them out so you can see how easy it is to create some for yourself!
Here is the skirt all done and Seane is being my fit model. 
So how do I enter the drawing? Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Just go to my Penniless Caucasian Rubbish Facebook Page and give it a like. Find the photo of the doll skirt contest (won’t be hard, it’ll be profile photo on there) and share it with your friends. That’s it. I will enter your name for every time you share. If you also happen to share a Pinterest pin about it, which you’ll find here at my Pinterest board for my blog let me know and I’ll enter your name again. So… Share away!! I will announce winner on January 1st at 8AM  both here and on Facebook. I hate to say but drawing only open to US Residence because I don’t know a hill of beans about how much postage would cost elsewhere. I hate to disappoint any of my international readers though so maybe ya’ll can educate me about the costs and procedures of your country and I’ll consider adding your country to next contest… Who knows!?
You can see more of the skirt in the photos below. Just so you know, it was obviously a previously owned item and might have, at some point in it’s travels, come across either pets or cigarette smoke. Just a caveat because some people are very sensitive to such things. It is clean and nice now though and so if you want it, go enter by liking page and sharing photo with your friends! Good luck!!
No worries, if you don’t win this time, I plan to do many contests in the future. My doll hobby makes me happy, why not share the joy? Right?
The back ot he skirt.
Another angle. 
With top pulled up you can see how it sits on her waist.
Here it is! All ready to be mailed to its new home!
I think for my next contest I will go with something for the slim line dolls like Journey Girls. This denim skirt I recently made in same process as pink one will be perfect I think!

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