American Girl Doll Dresses From eBay Arrive!

Hi Doll Friends!

Crazy busy weekend! Didn’t have much time to play dolls! The dresses I ordered from eBay arrived at last! Still in process of photos but here is a sneak peek till I get them finished. For a penny plus 99cent shipping for each of these dresses shown, not a bad deal at all! Back as soon as I can to show you more details. 
A $1 each for these dresses! Including shipping! That’s amazing. Details soon! Also another contest as soon as I can get it together with photos etc! 

One thought on “American Girl Doll Dresses From eBay Arrive!

  1. Have another good year!Waiting for your Blog Archive 2016 for days. Good price and good quality. They look expensive. looking forward to details soon.


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