Barnes and Noble Espari Annalyn Joins the Doll House!

Greetings Doll Friends!
I have been terrible at keeping up with blog lately. The last two days were snow days with kids home from school as the recent installment of “stuff that is keeping me away from playing dolls” saga. I’ve also never mentioned here on my doll blog but I tend to run on low fuel over during the first three months of the year… Winter blahs kick me in the shorts! Does that happen to you at all? I hope not because it stinks but I’ve talked to many people who have same problem. Maybe bears are on to something with their whole hibernation idea? Eh? Ok… On to doll news!
I got my first Barnes&Noble Espari Doll for Christmas from my dear husband. They are very much like the Journey Girls in the way they are made. I put them on my watch list on eBay… New they cost about $50 and are pretty rare so even on 2nd hand market, they are never cheap.
So when I saw this lovely lady for a price I could see paying, I bid the minimum and put it out of my mind. Then I won!! Nice!
When she arrived she was in great shape, had her whole “meet outfit” minus the shoes even. The only “problem” was her hair was a bit of a tangled mess.
She had curly hair and oftentimes that means a disaster when a little girl is tasked with keeping a dolls hair tidy! I was intimidated though… I plowed right in with my handy-dandy metal bristled wig brush. Speaking of, do you have one? I didn’t for ever so long and regret waiting! Such a great tool! Doesn’t rip hair out at all compared to other brushes! But I digress… It took me about an hour but it’s kind of therapeutic if you just systematically go thru each tangled section, working from bottom to top, and brush it out.
It came out beautifully! She has so much hair! Seriously thick and gorgeous! I love her outfit too. Espari dolls come with clothes that are very versatile. In this outfit, for instance, she can wear the blazer or go with out, the skirt is reversible, the hair scarf works as an infinity scarf, and naturally you can mix and match all those pieces to make several looks. I’ll have to play around with them and do photos soon! 
What is funny is I already had the red haired blue eyed Journey Girl doll. 
I knew, going in, that they would practically be twins… Or at least first cousins. But the Espari’s eye color matched more perfectly with the eye color of my friend whom I wanted her to be my doppelgänger doll of and so… It had to happen. 
When you get them right next to each other,  you can see small differences. Subtle, but different. They are same height and so I am not sure why the Espari looks shorter than the Journey Girl? Weird. 
I don’t think they make this Annalyn anymore? On Barnes and Noble she is listed as “unavailable” and she isn’t in the group shots from their website anymore.
Here are some photos I found in a Google search of her in the lineup from some time or other.
Aren’t they pretty dolls? Gotta run and start getting family out the door! Hope this finds you having a wonderful day!!! Till next time!

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