Happy Valentine’s Day Journey Girl Alana & Kara Rose Doll Set

Hello Doll Friends!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Have some dolls to tell you about because you can take a pretty good guess as to what my husband got me for Valentine’s Day!
That’s right! Dolls! He let me open them early because he knew he couldn’t hide this huge box anyway.
I won’t lie, I really wanted this set! It seemed frivolous every time I considered buying for myself though… Especially considering how many dolls I already own…! But it’s a Limited Addition and that may mean it would be only time they release these two dolls. My husband knew I wanted them though… That man knows the way to my heart!
The back of the box shows the many fashion options available to the style conscious doll. So cute!!
It had all the customary do-hickys to hold the dolls and clothes in the box.
I liked the way they did the hair in these though, not sewn to a plastic strip like often is the case nowadays. 
I was a little sad to see the seemingly permanent marks on my poor dollies necks though! *sigh* Not super noticeable but annoying. I got them all out of the box and set to playing and didn’t think to take any photos later. Here is a pretty badly lit snap of the two girls all changed and sharing clothes with Odessa (Karito Kid Doll). 
I literally just snapped that photo as I was writing this! Haha. My doll space is on one end of the huge loft room that is our bedroom suite in our house. I try to keep light to a minimum in the wee hours so my husband can sleep. I get up at 4:30 every day (sometimes earlier…) and it’s a great time to write blogs and sew after I study my Bible and practice yoga… But taking doll photos, not the best time for it! So I’ll be back with better photos later! 
Speaking of photos… The days are getting longer! Soon I hope to get my dolls out into the sunshine for some nice outdoor photos! Woot!
Chat soon!

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