Barnes and Noble Espari 18inch Dolls and Clothing Sets

Hi Doll Friends!

I stopped into Barnes and Noble this weekend too. Wanted to see if they had the Espari line of dolls on the shelves or just online. 
Was excited to see they have the clothing play sets as well! I love them! I couldn’t decide for sure which I wanted or I probably would’ve bought one. They are $19.99 each. More than I generally pay for doll clothes but theirs are neat in that they can create multiple looks with one set. 
For instance this Summertime Fun set can make all these different looks:

See? The overall shorts are even reversible! I was torn between that set and this one:

Cos look at that cool “leather” jacket and boots! There are lots of sets!
Naturally they had the dolls too! Was fun to see them all “in person”!
I only photographed the ones I don’t own. 
Yet! This one will be my next one! Isn’t she lovely? Love her cute red sweater outfit too!
They also had a few other hair accessory kits but I forgot to take a picture of them. I am pretty sure I’ll be getting one of the two outfit sets I like soon! If I can’t buy dolls, might as well outfit the ones I have a home with some cool new duds.
Gotta get my day started… Never enough time! Till next time!

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