Victorian Marigold Market 18inch Doll Clothes at Hobby Lobby!

Hi Doll Friends!
Ran by Hobby Lobby the other day to grab my 40% off treat. If I am in town I always run by Michael’s and/or Hobby Lobby if I am close by them because Dollies could always use another pair of shoes or a new ensemble if I can grab them for under $5. Right? I digress… 
So I get to doll section and what do I see? New items! The Marigold Market doll clothes line is making Victorian era costumes now! Nice!
The store I went to had two styles… The blue one is my favorite. I suppose the red one is more Southern Belle now I consider but… Eitherwise, very pretty dresses. The price point is two dollars more than the other Marigold Market sets. I didn’t buy one because I went specially for something else…
I had noted that before Hobby Lobby launched their doll clothes line under the name Marigold Market they had them just on black cardboard hangers and they were $7.99. When they changed to Marigold Market, the packaging changed to a plastic bag with cardboard photo of outfit. The price also went up $2. I understand because the packaging would cost more and the plastic bag type  displays better. The same way real people clothes look less appealing on the hanger often applies to doll clothes as well. 
The clothes themselves were exactly the same… Luck would have it that they had one of the bathing suit ensembles left the day I went! So I got this cute swim suit for less than $5! Nice! I’ve been wanting to do a review of a few swim suit sets and so it was perfect!
I actually happened by two different Hobby Lobby stores in my errands that day… I know, lucky right? So I ran into second  one and got this Springfield swim suit for less than $5 too! 

Right next to the doll stuff in that store, I saw these little charms! I LOVE the cameo one! I am planning on making jewelry for the dolls from them… Just gotta figure out what to use for chain. Maybe a tiny ribbon would work? Hmmm… I’ll be thinking about it!
I’ll be back with the doll swim suit review soon!! Have so many blog posts to get written!! So many dolls, so little time.
That’s it for now!
Till next time!

2 thoughts on “Victorian Marigold Market 18inch Doll Clothes at Hobby Lobby!

  1. Hi! Totally agree with you. Not enough time for dolls. You add new dolls and stuffs. Very happy to see your postings every day and night. Check my previous comment.


  2. Likewise your comments make it so much more fun to write the blog! I always think of you now when I am writing it… I write \”Dear Doll Friends\” but half the time think I should say \”Hi Frann!! Look at this cool doll stuff!!\” Heeheehee. Better get ready for work… I tell you, adult-ing is for the birds! LOL


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