The Latest Tour Of My Doll Room

Greetings Doll Friends!!
Almost out of time this morning for writing so this will have to be a bit of a picture only tour… Had a friend who lives far away ask to ‘see’ my doll room. So… Since I took photos of it, I figured I’d show you too! Mind you, I literally just picked up my phone, walked to my Doll Room and started snapping photos. I didn’t clean or straiten it up at all… So, this is how it looks most of the time. Naturally the doll house ‘room’ I have set up changes as I want to do different photos but… This will give you an idea.
This is entering my Doll Room. It’s actually a third of the attic bedroom suite my husband and I share… I love love love it. Note my ‘Heather’ doll there by the brick column? I’d just photo’d her with her new accessories for this post so it really was done in ‘real’ time. Haha!
Normally my ‘Heather’ doll sits in a place of prominence with the rest of my doll family… See the empty desk with the doll on it? That’s my normal ‘home’ for my ‘Heather’ Doll. 
On other side of that is the stairs down to the rest of our house and I have my doll racks there. Note that I am in process of putting together another doll rack? Poor Adam is all alone on that one. Haha.
I have a few dolls… Eh? Heeheehee.
My husband calls them a ‘hoarde’! Luckily, he doesn’t mind them because they make me happy… In fact, he gets me doll stuff all the time. Lucky me, lucky me. 
They all kind of just stand around waiting for their next photo shoot. My models!
That’s it… 

Gotta run and wake up the family!!

Happy Friday!!!
PS Fran! I still can’t get on your blog and I’ve been meaning to email… This week has been crazy! I haven’t forgotten. XXOO

2 thoughts on “The Latest Tour Of My Doll Room

  1. So sweet of you! I am not a careful woman. I have looked over what you were saying, only enjoying pictures over and over. Thank you for showing your doll collections. Amazing!


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