Fancy Nancy 18" Doll Boy Doll Make-Over!

Hi Doll Friends!!
It’s been a crazy busy week…. But after church on Sunday, I stopped into a thrift store and found a second Fancy Nancy doll… 
The newer one is on the left… At first I bought her just for her adorable outfit because my first Fancy Nancy doll came nude…
The newer doll had hair in better shape than the one I already owned…
So, I decided to give the older doll a makeover… I don’t need two Nancy dolls in doll house really and I happened to have a few wigs on hand…
I only had to try on the one! The doll was so cute as a boy!!! So glad I went with my gut and bought the doll…! I almost put her back down because I had one already (and I really do try to be good about not buying too many dolls! LOL) I am so glad I got her cos I almost think she makes a better boy doll than girl! However I am glad I have both. Fancy Nancy books were some of my daughters favorites when she was younger and so it is a sentimental thing along with her being a cute doll. 

My newer Nancy wanted to try on some new clothes… No surprise she went with the some of the fanciest ones in the wardrobe. 
Aren’t they cute? Like siblings!
I haven’t named him yet… Jokingly calling him Fancy Clancy but… Not sure it will stick. 
Gotta run! Busy week at work and a lot to finish up today. 
Till next time!

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