Espari Marielle Surprise From Dear Husband

Hi Doll Friends!
I love long weekends! My husband does too. To start off the weekend, he brought me an amazing surprise!!
I’ve wanted Mirielle the Espari 18inch doll for a long time but she’s been hard to find, even on line…
Low and behold my husband walked into Barnes and Noble and there she was. On sale!! So he brought her and an outfit pack home for me! What a wonderful husband I have. No wonder we’ve been marred nearly 25 years. Teehee. 
Here she is:

Isn’t she beautiful! I love her outfit too.

Kind of a photo review here… Always short on time even on holiday weekends… So many doll projects I want to do!
She is doing plank pose while I show you back of her hair… It reminds me of “Glamour Shots” in the 1990s. Remember those? They would bunch all your hair forward to make it look like you had “big hair” but back of your head would look just like this. LOL When I removed the bands and brushed it out it looks great.
I love how they put plastic bags on her feet to keep her from getting stained. Smart thinking!!
Here is the outfit pack! It’s perfect timing for some Memorial Day photos with the girls! In love how the clothes are all mix and match and you can make a lot of outfits with them!
Here are a few photos I took of Mirielle (not keeping that name but haven’t decided new one yet) and other dolls in the outfit pack all set up for Memorial Day get together.
Cute huh? More in next post…!
Till next time!

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