Girls Of All Nations Doll Midori!

Hi Doll Friends!
As I mentioned in this post I recently discovered a whole collection of Dolls Of All Nations Dolls at a Thrift Store. I am trying to keep my doll collection in check (stop laughing right now!!) and so decided to only buy one. That was tough!! Haha!
I decided on ‘Midori’ from Japan because 1) She is adorable! I love her little kimono! and 2) Midori is my favorite drink when I do have a cocktail. Midori Sour to be precise. YummO!
I’ve gotten her out of the box but haven’t had chance to photograph her yet. Wanted to update you on which I bought though since I’d promised in that initial post about them to tell you! Time flies!! So… I’ll be back in a future post to look her over. 
Till next time!

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