Journey Girls and Espari Doll Collection So Far!

Hi there Doll Friends!

Another installment of my Doll Collection Series… This time with Journey Girls and Espari Dolls!
*May 31, 2016 I just realized I’d never posted this or finished it… It’s a great photo of my Journey Girl Collection when I started this post… But I’ve gotten a few more since then. I’ll have to come back and update!
*Update June 4, 2016*

I was just talking to the Journey Girls Facebook page admin. (Fan page) Mentioned my blog and she asked for addy and my first thought was “Oh! I forgot all about updating that post!!” So it lit a fire under me and off I went to the Doll Room to take a portrait of all my (current) Journey Girl and Espari Dolls. I group them together because they are so much alike! Do you agree? 
The Espari dolls are the far left red head, the far right brunette and the third from right with red/white headband. Otherwise they are Journey Girls. 

That’s it for now Doll Friends!
Till next time!

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