Uh Oh… I Caught The eBay Bidding Bug

Hi Doll Friends!!
So… I got caught up in about a week long manic bidding phase on eBay. I finally got the girls together to pose for a photo of my last eBay bidding frenzy… And it made me think “Hmmm… I wonder what sorts of dresses are up for bids for cheap nowadays…?” Then I made mistake of going to look! Uh oh.
Here are the girls in my last round of dresses… They each cost about a $1 including shipping and are really pretty nice. Especially considering the price! The same exact dresses cost about $10 on Amazon (from exact same place I imagine… Selling in bulk makes the money!) and they have nice zippers and are very pretty… So I used my little method of “bid early, bid on a lot, bid at pretty low price just in case it gets thru at that price” strategy and here is what is on the way:
I got all of that ^^^ for about $13!! I can’t wait to see it when it comes in the mail! I’ll come back and show it all to you when it does naturally!
See how cheaply I got them all? They are all free shipping! One I got for 25cents! How fun…! The only problem is I am going to need to clean out the doll closet because despite having like 100ish dolls, all fully clothed, and a rather huge doll closet, I am out of room…! Yes, a doll clothing purge is in order.
Well, as ever, time is short! As you may be able to see, I bid on these and won them like June 4th and since then I’ve been having issues with blogger… So I am glad the issue is resolved! Felt like I was cut off from the world!
The animal print PJs are for “Heather” doll! My 25th Wedding Anniversary is coming up and so “Heather” doll needs a proper trousseau for the celebration right? I got “Josh” doll a tuxedo and have the beautiful wedding dress from Frann… Have been working on photos to come in July for the big day!! Can’t wait to show you.
Better run! 
Till next time!

One thought on “Uh Oh… I Caught The eBay Bidding Bug

  1. Oh! How can I say my feeling like what you are? I have been also caught up with something and spent lots of hours serching it. Not finished yet. Maybe I will give up, but I will try more.I am also looking forward to seeing you in dress and Josh in tuxedo.


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