American Girl Julie "Meet" Shirt and Matching Sock eBay Find!

Greetings Doll Friends!!
As you well know if you’ve been reading here lately, I’ve been on a bit of an eBay buying spree for a little while now. What can I say, when I get a windfall of cash, I spend it on dolls. Being me, I pinch every penny until it squeels out a protest! Haha! And eBay is where I most often find the most bang for my buck, as it were, when it comes to ‘new’ doll related items. Obviously you can’t beat a thrift store find but when you want to go looking for something specific… eBay is a great place to look. I digress…
So I’d seen this shirt in the bids for a while now… One of those kind of common ones where a seller must have a whole ‘stock’ of a certain garment so you see duplicate auctions of it at any given time. I thought it was interesting looking…
So I bid my 99cents and won one! When it came, I was delighted by the quality… I didn’t realize it was actually an American Girl item until I looked closer, at the tag. 

It’s super cute!!

Interestingly enough, a seller of some other items I bought (I won mulitple auctions with them so like five or six items?) threw in a ‘freebie’ of a pair of socks and I got them about a week before I got this shirt…
Only to realize when the shirt came they were an exact match! Score!! How perfect!
Here is Diane (custom doll) and Lisa with Lisa modeling the new outfit! I think I am going to buy a few more of these tops.. They’d be cute as ‘twin’ shirts or as gifts for doll friends. 
So, go find one of these tops yourself and give it a bid… They are pretty common and if you don’t win one at ‘your’ price, you’re bound to win one eventually… Show me a photo of your dolly in yours when you do!
Till next time!

2 thoughts on “American Girl Julie "Meet" Shirt and Matching Sock eBay Find!

  1. Got it. You included this fabulous shirt into the parcel. Oh~ you shouldn't have done~~~~ My mind is expecting it unlike my brain, though.


  2. Actually the second one of these didn't make it here in time and so it'll have to come with the next parcel I send! Although, as I type that, it occurs to me I could've sent you THIS one and had one on way for me… Oh well… Next time! LOL


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