Anniversary Photos ❤️❤️

Hi Doll Friends!!

I had planned to get these photos done weeks ago. Sadly around the time I was working on them, I got the heartbreaking news that my Granny had passed away. I knew it was news that was coming because she hadn’t been doing well… But still it took the wind out of my sails for much besides work… However my husband and I finally got to our planned time off to celebrate and I had some time to play dolls today! Here are the photos I took. ❤️
And again in black and white because they look so “classic” that way…

2 thoughts on “Anniversary Photos ❤️❤️

  1. As I told you before, I respect you for maintaining successful marriage for 25 years. I wish that you will have happier days with Josh and kids.You and Josh in the photos are beautiful. Cheers!


  2. Thanks Frann! Still working on getting 'real' photos done but want all the details to be perfect!! Still blown away by your generous and amazing gift and want to make it as perfect as possible. Getting my hair done again tomorrow in preparation for instance! 🙂 Chat soon!! XXOO


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