Frann Hosts Karaoke Room Party!

Hi Doll Friends!

With Heather doll off on vacation with Josh doll, she wasn’t here to welcome the newest house member Jamie. (The red headed OG doll from Flea Market find). No matter! Frann doll stepped right in and made her feel welcome right away!
When Jamie first arrived, Frann remarked she liked her polka dot dress and would love to borrow it sometime… Then her next idea was “Let’s have a karaoke party and all dress up!” Jamie thought that sounded like a lot of fun and said “you can borrow my dress for it!”
At first Jamie was shy and told Frann she was just going to watch her sing. Frann was wonderful! She sang a few songs for everyone to show how much fun it is…
Finally, Jamie started to feel less shy… And agreed to join Frann for a duet!
The first song she felt a bit timid…
But then she saw the bongo drum and surprised everyone by showing them her skill at playing it as they sang another song!
How fun! Frann finally talked Calla into trying a round at the microphone…
She was nervous but she did great!
Everyone had a great time and agreed that Karaoke night needs to be on the calendar more often! They decided they would invite Heather doll to join in on the next one…!! What a great idea Frann!!
Till next time!

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