City Park Visit for Dollies!

Hi Doll Friends!
On the way home from Ball Field, we passed the city park… 
Most of the dolls were too tired fell playing hard at the ball field but Sonali, Heather and Frann wanted to explore the park a bit.
They stopped in the gazebo to take a few photos. It was so pretty!
Frann looked over and saw the bridge and said “We have to go look at that after a few photos here!”
They climbed up on the banisters to get good photos. 
It was such a peaceful spot!
So green!
They found a huge boulder on way to bridge and stopped for a photo…
How cool! Frann and Heather both love bridges!
They make for such great pictures!

See what I mean?
That was all we had time and energy for… The heat got to us and so we all piled back into the jeep and went home for a cool drink in the air conditioning!
Till next time!

One thought on “City Park Visit for Dollies!

  1. The park is so peaceful that I feel as if I were there. Thank you for taking Frann doll and otheres out and taking lots of photos. Josh is nice enought to wait for you to do doll play, Hahaha. I cannot imagine my husband waiting for me in that case. Anyway, nice trip.


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