Thanks So Much Frann!!

Greetings and Salutations Doll Friends!
Time has flown!!! It’s already been a week tomorrow since I got the most amazing gift in the mail from my wonderful friend and reader Frann!
Here are FrannDoll and HeatherDoll wearing two of the amazing dresses that arrived!! Aren’t they beautiful! I love love love that she sent “twin” dresses for them to wear! I love that they are just the slightest bit different, the bodice of FrannDoll is black “fur” fabric and the one HeatherDoll is wearing is made fully of the adorable “kitten portrait” material!
Frann had mentioned that she was sending some dresses but there was no way I could’ve imagined that she would send me virtually an entire wardrobe! So many adorable clothes and bows and bonnets to match!! *swoon* They were all made by the amazingly talented seamstress Goofy! She made them all custom and original just for Frann (and me!) I was blown away by such generosity and thoughtfulness! Thank you so so so much Frann!! Mostly for your friendship! You’ve made blogging so much more fun. ❤️
Here is all the outfits she sent! So many adorable ensembles I don’t even known if I can pick a favorite!! 

I love love love the character sweat shirts and ensembles she sent! Some have Goofy which is perfect considering the seamstress who made them! I thought it was such a coincidence too that one of the sweat shirts had the Peanuts Gang on it! My kids just went to see some family in California recently and just to happened to go to the Charles Shutlz museum!! Isn’t that awesome! How did Goofy know we would need a “souvineer” sweat shirt? I love them all!
Then she sent these adorable sun and summer dresses!! Look closely at the bow that Crystal has on! (Far left) There is a tiny kitty face on middle of bow! To match dress perfectly!! I love the apple dress for Becky because she is a doppelgänger doll for my good friend who works in a school! The little tennis dress is perfect because I had just planned to make a tennis post (note that FrannDoll and HeatherDoll are both in tennis costume up there in photo of them by box of all the amazing outfits all packaged up so nice!) So having an extra tennis type dress is great!! The orange print sun dress is fabulous too! It has a matching bow and everything!!
I want to take better photos but the time hasn’t presented itself since Monday. The State Fair was in town this weekend and we also had houseguests so I didn’t have much time to spend in the Doll House! Some of the dolls ventured out to watch the parade with us. You’ll have to watch for the photos of it! 
Look at these two adorable  prairie girl dresses!!! I love love love them! I am planning a whole post around them even! The bonnets are fabulous! Coming from the middle of America where bonnets just like that shaded the faces of my Foremothers, they just make me smile. So stay tuned for a future post where they are prominently displayed! 

I put FrannDoll and HeatherDoll in same style shoe but a different color. I think it’s great that they both match dresses so well.
The bonnets are even reversible! As you can see I turned the orange flowered bonnet inside out so it was orange on outside and floral print inside! So cool you can do that!

And of course I had to add some black and white photos too! I think they look so neat!
Thanks again Frann! You’re the best!!!

Better run! Early morning tomorrow! Will be posting more and better photos of all the outfits because they are so top notch and cute as a button! 
Have a wonderful day!

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